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How to use wai-annotations from the command-line#

To convert a dataset using wai-annotations from the command-line, run the following command:

wai-annotations convert [CONVERSION OPTIONS] \
    input-type [INPUT OPTIONS] \
    output-type [OUTPUT OPTIONS]

(ISP=inline-stream-processor, XDC=cross-domain-conversion)

For the available conversion options, see here.

To list of available plugins in your environment, run:

wai-annotations plugins

For the available domains in your environment, run:

wai-annotations domains

The -h/--help option can be given at any point in a command-string to provide the options available at that point in the command.

Examples of how to run wai-annotations can be found here.


By default, all logging messages are being output. To change that, you can use the WAIANN_LOG_LEVEL environment variable, using one of the following levels (the higher the number the fewer messages):

  • 10: DEBUG
  • 20: INFO
  • 30: WARNING
  • 40: ERROR


A number of libraries have their default logging set to DEBUG, which can output unnecessary output in the console. wai.annotations sets the logging level for some libraries to a higher level therefore. However, the user can adjust this again via environment variables, in case the logging output is required:

  • h5py: WAIANN_H5PY_LOGLEVEL (default level: WARNING)
  • matplotlib: WAIANN_MATPLOTLIB_LOGLEVEL (default level: WARNING)
  • numba: WAIANN_NUMBA_LOGLEVEL (default level: WARNING)
  • shapely: WAIANN_SHAPELY_LOGLEVEL (default level: WARNING)
  • tensorflow: WAIANN_TF_LOGLEVEL (default level: WARNING)