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Rather than installing wai.annotations yourself in virtual environments, you can simply make use of our pre-built Docker images (for an introduction to Docker, please refer to Docker for data scientists).

The following versions of wai.annotations are available as images:

  • latest: waikatoufdl/wai.annotations:latest (based on latest code in repositories)
  • 0.8.0: waikatoufdl/wai.annotations:0.8.0
  • 0.7.8: waikatoufdl/wai.annotations:0.7.8
  • 0.7.7: waikatoufdl/wai.annotations:0.7.7
  • 0.7.6: waikatoufdl/wai.annotations:0.7.6
  • 0.7.5: waikatoufdl/wai.annotations:0.7.5

Example usage#

The following command-line starts the 0.8.0 version of wai.annotations in interactive mode, mapping the current directory (pwd) into the /workspace directory in the container, to have access to the data in this directory:

docker run -u $(id -u):$(id -g) -v `pwd`:/workspace -it waikatoufdl/wai.annotations:0.8.0

Graphical user interface#

By default, Docker is aimed at worker processes or command-line execution. If you want to make use of graphical interfaces, like displaying images, then you need to do the following:


xhost +local:root

Add the following arguments to your docker run command:

--env="DISPLAY" --volume="/tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix:rw"

Other platforms#

Please refer to this MOA blog post on how to run graphical user interfaces from within Docker for other platforms.


If you want to access a Redis instance outside of the container, then add the following to your docker run command:
